
Login Information

To register for an Accommodation Operations portal account, please enter your email address and a preferred password.

If you have a University of Sydney email address, please use this as the email for registration. If you are already living at university-owned accommodation, or have applied to live at a university-owned premises, you will need to register with an alternate email address prior to starting your application.

Please also note that a minimum of 8 characters is required for your password; password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one numeral.

  • Password must be 8 characters long, contain a lowercase, uppercase, numeric and symbol character.
Password must be 8 characters long, contain a lowercase, uppercase, numeric and symbol character.

Personal Details

Please enter your personal details below. Should your nationality not be listed in the drop down option, please select “Not Available” and notify Accommodation Operations by emailing

An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is

  • a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent,

  • who identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, and

  • who is accepted as such by the community with which the person associates.

Correspondence Details

Please enter your home or preferred correspondence address below. Should your country not be listed in the drop down option, please select “Not Available” and notify Accommodation Operations by emailing

By clicking on Save & Continue, you will receive a registration confirmation email with your user name and portal link. This will allow you to log in to the portal and continue with your application at a later time, if necessary. The application process will take approximately 20 minutes.